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War and business are very similar. They are both tough, often dangerous environments.
An Unfair Advantage: We must select students with entrepreneurial talents and give them a school that encourages entrepreneurial genius.
I often hear women say they do not invest because of their spouse. A spouse is an excuse, not a real answer.
The first step to getting started with anything is adapting the proper mindset.
Change yourself and you change your world.
I fail every day. My goal is simply to have more wins than failures. Failure is often one of the first parts of success
You have something no one else has... YOUR spirit. Never underestimate the power of your spirit.
A strong spirit is incapable of being dominated. True entrepreneurs have a strong spirit.
In your strive to succeed don’t forget your dream. Don’t adapt society's dream change your idea of success. Your dream is your success.
Four parts to being human: Spirit, emotions, mental & body. Your goal is to find your path that engages all four, especially the spirit.
Rich Dad is about complete well being. To achieve wealth without health is a shallow victory. Bad health can steal wealth away in a flash.
Women possess real courage. For a woman not to try, her spirit must be truly broken. And a broken spirit is a crime against the universe.
You know you've made it when you don't give a care. You don't give a care once you know you can build your wealth back if it was ever lost.
Going from poor to middle class to rich is a journey. Eventually making money changes you; it becomes part of you, not a fear.
If you try and fail, I call you a student. If you never try I fear you are a victim.
Our financial Dark Ages is financial darkness and barbarity. Only true financial education can start a financial renaissance.
Here's a quote I love from Gail Sheehy: If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living.
Focus leads to action, which leads to feedback – all of which leads to lessons
From my new book, An Unfair Advantage: Civilization dies when ideas became old and new ideas are censored. We need a financial Renaissance.
Following the status quo has gotten so many people into the mess they are in. Stop following the herd and find educated, ethical leaders.
I’ve learned that a woman with brains and confidence can be more intimidating than any man at the negotiation table.
Rich Dad is not just about empowering people. It’s provides support, tools, and community to help you keep your power and your focus.
The #1 cause of bankruptcy is health problems. Health insurance won’t save you. Health exists to make money.
Real Estate is control. I can improve the property, I can improve the management and I can improve the residence. Can’t control stocks.
Even if my property doesn't appreciate, it makes more than other investments do to its leverage, tax advantages and cash flow.
I want the smartest team. If I'm the smartest guy I've failed and need to rebuild my team until the whole team is smarter than me.
46% of the richest people on earth are entrepreneurs. Only 16% of the richest people inherited their wealth.
Hire skills your business needs. Do not give up equity and ownership. That is reserved for those with rare and unique skills you cannot buy
Early success can become a trap. Sometimes you have to release your successes in order to grow and move forward.
Entrepreneurship is about spirit. Do you have the guts? Does it excite you? Does it turn you on? Do you have the drive even if it kills you?
Rich Dad's job is to offer people who did not excel in school another chance. To offer a better education that people can excel in.
A company has a spirit, just like human. The spirit is the company's most important part.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Trust that things will develop as they should. You may find yourself where you least expect and yet learning more than you thought.
DEMAND what you want! Demanding is your spirit communicating directly with God.
Reverend Ike told me, ‘I think and I speak what I want into existence
Success can often kill your spirit. Success can be a trap that prevents moving on. Accept your failures and let them propel you forward.
Everyone says "buy low, sell high". I say, "buy low and cash flow for life."
Wisdom is the instinct of a higher power. It’s what separates good leaders from great leaders.
Think you can't invest now? Buy 1 silver coin. Learn it's cycles. Then buy another. Investing is in steps. You don't start at the top
Investing is really fun, making money is really fun. If you can do so with a partner it’s a great way to grow together and grow closer.
To succeed in business you need TRUST, CHARACTER, a CODE OF HONOR, and the CHARISMA to instill these values and have others follow.
Often I hear “live below your means.” This means be less than who you are. We should be expanding to be MORE than who we are.
In An Unfair Advantage, I explain the new crisis. A pension fund crisis, including Soc.Sec, will dwarf the multi-trillion subprime crisis.
Be careful who you get your advice from. Learn to think for yourself. Question what you are being told and who’s telling you.
What you learn here has no value until you share it.
Nothing good in life just happens. You have to work at it. Everything is a PROCESS. Money is no different. Commit to the process.
When interest rise currency increases in value and the prices of gold and silver drop
A MAN IS NOT A FINANCIAL PLAN! Women who marry for money make women look weak and vulnerable.
My definition of money is an idea backed by confidence, representing work truly done and is exchangeable
The cone of learning teaches how we learn. The best way to learn is to do the real thin
Education is important, but there is always more than one way to learn. I learned more about life from surfing than I ever did from school.
Over 80% of women live below the poverty level after divorce. Learn investing now. Any path life takes you, knowledge is valuable.
Leadership is when you can motivate a whole team to overcome their fears. That's when greatness happens.
Fear can be a great motivator. If it is not intense enough it can paralyze you, but if its intense enough, it can be a great driving force.
Can't get your spouse interested in investing? Following different paths is a danger in all marriages, but so is being held back.
Before you hit your goal, be planning for your next goal. This prevents faltering after your goal is reached.
Hoping a change in political leadership will solve your financial problems? Governments cannot solve their own financial problems.
With change comes growth. Whatever happens we will grow. Find the reasons and you can find the lesson.
It takes 10,000 hours minimum before you’re good at anything:Before you are able to do the right thing at the right moment every time.
Before you set your goals, decide if you want to be Secure, Comfortable or Rich.
Dolphins Group.