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Most people’s sub-conscious forces them to lose focus. They Quit, Blame, Justify instead of conquering their sub-conscious.
Instead of seeing all the reasons you can’t do something, shift your thinking to “how can I do it”. It is very powerful.
Most people’s sub-conscious forces them to lose focus. They Quit, Blame, Justify instead of conquering their sub-conscious
Focus on where you are going to go. Vision the success, not the obstacles.
Repetition is key to making sure that you get good results.
Psychology is what shows you to another level. A plan is what gets you to that next level.
Leaders have to practice what they teach.
Whatever’s going on in your life, you will attract people in your life to teach you about it.
There are people who are not wealthy because they want to be comfortable.
Winning is not an event, it’s a process and a person has to push through it.
Leadership is about being a role model. Leadership is about living one’s life to higher standards.
When people have to be Right, they become experts, but won’t accept criticism. At some level, being right can make you wrong.
When people are focused on being Comfortable or Liked, then they often won’t do what the business needs in order to succeed.
When people say “I won”, it’s in the past. People often get stuck where they were successful. Time to get back into the process of winning.
Cooperative learning is a faster and better way to learn – two heads are better than one. In school it’s called cheating.
Leaders must strive to live to higher standards. Do not accept mediocrity or complacency from yourself or your team.
There are ways to create tremendous power through good planning and the high-velocity of money. Money must move quick, otherwise it decays.
Find the game where you can win, and then commit your life to playing it; and play to win.
The Point Of Power Is In The Present: what does that mean? Your past, your present and your future come together now.
Here is a key to financial success: It's not how much you make that makes you financially fit; it's how you spend the money you make.
Preparation is an attitude. It’s being prepared for what’s to come. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
The key to wealth is generosity, not greed.
A good investor can make money in any economy and is not a slave to trends or markets. Education gives complete freedom from market forces.
Nothing kills you, your business and your spirit like a bad partner.
Every time you battling your negative inner voice you strengthen the positive voice. The growling fear will turn to the songs of angels.
Debt makes leverage possible. Good investments average 5-10% profit. Add debt and leverage and profits raise to 30% and more.
With every dollar that comes to you, you have a choice -spend it on things that make you poor or spend it on things that make you rich.
There are two kinds of bank robbers: One from the inside and one from the outside. One wears a mask and a gun; the other a suit and tie.
Emotional intelligence is making a logical decision even when emotions are high. Often the right decision is to wait on making a decision.
Holding two points of view is intelligence. Knowing yourself is wisdom. Taking action to improve yourself is strength.
Schools are so messed up because Rockefeller took them over and removed financial education in 1904. He made them employee factories.
Buying and selling businesses is not for the average investor. Without education, it can be the riskiest of all investment classes
The Point Of Power Is In The Present: what does that mean? Your past, your present and your future come together now.
Don’t complain about a problem, start a company that solves it. That’s called an entrepreneurial spirit.
Your team needs to be trusted and have YOUR best interest at heart
Don’t let reality stop you. Make your own reality. Vision what should be to create the path of what will be.
Women tend not to focus on money until they get a wake-up call. Please don't wait.
Money is not the most important thing, but it effects so many important things.
Today women rank 'financial issues' as the most pressing concern in their lives - more than family, health and time.
If you don't know where to put your money, it will be gone.
Our spirit shows us what we are capable of. It gives us strength, energy and focus.
A woman's spirit is all-powerful. It can do anything. In times of crisis, it’s her spirit, not her mind, that is called upon to take over.
The big emotion surrounding money and women is fear. Fear of not having enough to retire and fear of doing what it takes to have enough.
Your context about money and investing, your MINDSET about it, is more important than the actual HOW to invest.
We hear what we want to hear. Our thoughts determine how we process the information we take in.
Hidden, or subconscious, thoughts have as much, if not more, power than the thoughts we are aware of.
Thoughts are invisible, but so powerful. They are a driving force in your life.
Your body gives you clues; like a sensation in your heart, or queasiness in your stomach. Trust these signals
Before you buy a property be able to answer what you will need to do to increase the income on the property.
Pro formas are made up of PROJECTED numbers, not ACTUAL numbers. Pro formas tell a fairy tale story, not reality.
Ask a seller why they are selling. If you can solve a problem they are having you may help them and get a great deal.
When you ask a seller how long has the property been on the market, be prepared to move quickly if it has just been listed.
Watch out for letting fear or inexperience from causing analysis paralysis. This can cause a deal to be lost and really cost you.
Don’t be in such a rush to buy that you fail to review the numbers thoroughly enough. This can cost you money.
The numbers do tell a story. However, the numbers can also lie and tell you a fairy tale. You must know how to tell fact from fiction.
Here is a key to financial success: It's not how much you make that makes you financially fit; it's how you spend the money you make
The key to wealth is generosity, not greed.
From an unknown author, “Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.”
It takes more courage to admit faults to yourself than to hide them. A woman’s strength comes from the depth of her spirit.