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When going into business don’t just find great partners, BE a great partner.
Find your partners based on what their skills are, not friendship. Friendship gets forgotten once you start to make money or lose money.
One of the greatest assets you’ll ever have is a great partner; they bring money in. A bad partner is a liability; they take money out.
When starting out you must pick your partners based on skills. Once you’ve made it you can find partners with skills AND you like.
Education is cheap; experience is expensive.
Being flat broke has value; you get to find out who you really are.
Find out where you are at, where you are going and build a plan to get there.
The longer you do the right thing, the richer you get. The longer you do the wrong thing the poorer you get. That’s the law of compensation.
Financial education creates wealth even with (especially with) a down economy... and it doesn't take money. Knowledge is the new money.
Everyone’s saying to get out of debt. Look around, the rich are getting INTO debt. Don’t follow the words, follow the actions.
If you wake up today without a dream, go back to bed..
Women have courage for others, but allow fear overwhelm their own needs. Courage is action despite fear. Women, be courageous for yourself!
Ignoring financial situations does not mean that financial situations will ignore you. Face them, get educated and then take action.
Your sub-conscious listens to fear. Education and focus help you overcome your sub-conscious and your fear.
Most people’s sub-conscious forces them to lose focus. They Quit, Blame, Justify instead of conquering their sub-conscious.
Instead of seeing all the reasons you can’t do something, shift your thinking to “how can I do it”. It is very powerful.
Focus on where you are going to go. Vision the success, not the obstacles.
Repetition is key to making sure that you get good results.
Leaders have to practice what they teach.
Whatever’s going on in your life, you will attract people in your life to teach you about it.
A person has to be willing to be uncomfortable and not-liked in order to win.
Winning is not an event, it’s a process and a person has to push through it.
Leadership is about being a role model. Leadership is about living one’s life to higher standards.
When people have to be Right, they become experts, but won’t accept criticism. At some level, being right can make you wrong.
When people are focused on being Comfortable or Liked, then they often won’t do what the business needs in order to succeed.
When people say “I won”, it’s in the past. People often get stuck where they were successful. Time to get back into the process of winning.
Cooperative learning is a faster and better way to learn – two heads are better than one. In school it’s called cheating.
Leaders must strive to live to higher standards. Do not accept mediocrity or complacency from yourself or your team.
There are ways to create tremendous power through good planning and the high-velocity of money. Money must move quick, otherwise it decays.
Find the game where you can win, and then commit your life to playing it; and play to win.
The Point Of Power Is In The Present: what does that mean? Your past, your present and your future come together now.
If you only see with your eyes, then your limbic mind (loser) kicks in. When you see with your mind, you can go right past the limbic.
Your karma is in your present, but your karma is not your present. It’s made up of your past and your future.
A leader has to be open minded enough to ask others what they see. Because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Leaders have vision – they can see what others can’t see.
You have to control your whole mind, left side, right side, and sub-conscious, not just parts of it.
Preparation is an attitude. It’s being prepared for what’s to come. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
A good investor can make money in any economy and is not a slave to trends or markets. Education gives complete freedom from market forces.
Don’t live below your means or forgo your dreams. I’m Japanese, but I don’t look good in a Toyota
Debt makes leverage possible. Good investments average 5-10% profit. Add debt and leverage and profits raise to 30% and more
There are two kinds of bank robbers: One from the inside and one from the outside. One wears a mask and a gun; the other a suit and tie.
Good Luck
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