“I had no choice, I just couldn’t get out of bed.” “I had no choice, it was the best program I could get into.” “I had no choice, he told me to do it…” Really? It’s probably more accurate to say, “the short-term benefit/satisfaction/risk avoidance was a lot higher than anything else, so I chose […]
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Year: 2011
A great way to give thanks…
for the privileges we’ve got is to do important work. Your job, your internet access, your education, your role in a civilized society… all of them are a platform, a chance to do art, a way for you to give back and to honor those that enabled you to get to this point. For every […]
Open conversations (or close them)….
A guy walks into a shop that sells ties. He’s opened the conversation by walking in. Salesman says, “can I help you?” The conversation is now closed. The prospect can politely say, “no thanks, just looking.” Consider the alternative: “That’s a [insert adjective here] tie you’re wearing, sir. Where did you buy it?” Conversation is […]
The difference between management and le...
Managers work to get their employees to do what they did yesterday, but a little faster and a little cheaper. Leaders, on the other hand, know where they’d like to go, but understand that they can’t get there without their colleagues, without giving those they lead the tools to make something happen. Managers want authority. […]
Run your own race…
The rear view mirror is one of the most effective motivational tools ever created. There’s no doubt that many people speed up in the face of competition. We ask, “how’d the rest of the class do?” We listen for someone breathing down our necks. And we discover that competition sometimes brings out our best. There’s […]
Getting serious about your org chart…
Manu’s funny brilliance aside, this collection of org charts might help you think hard about why your organization is structured the way it is. Is it because it was built when geography mattered more than it does now? Is it an artifact of a business that had a factory at its center? Does the org […]
Mark Zuckerberg isn’t Mark Zuckerberg…
“Mark Zuckerberg” has become a codeword for the truly gifted exception, the wunderkind freak of nature for whom traditional rules don’t apply. Well, sure, Mark Zuckerberg can drop out of Harvard, but you’re not Mark Zuckerberg… Here’s the thing: Even Mark isn’t Mark Zuckerberg. This notion that there’s a one in a billion alignment of […]
Is your anger killing your art?
It’s rare to find a consistently creative or insightful person who is also an angry person.* They can’t occupy the same space, and if your anger moves in, generosity and creativity often move out. It’s difficult to use revenge or animus to fuel great work. Ironically, when you decide to teach someone a lesson they […]
Set the alarm clock the night before..
Situational goal adjustment is a real problem. Don’t set the clock when you’re tired, set it when you are planning your day. Don’t whittle away at your sales goals right after a serious rejection, set them when you’re on a roll. The discipline is in obeying the rule you set when you were in a […]
Easy vs. do-able vs. impossible…
Often we consider an opportunity based on how easy it is. The problem with this analysis is that if it’s easy, it’s often not worth doing. It’s easy to start a blog, but of course, starting a blog doesn’t really deliver a lot of value. Posting 4,100 blog posts in a row, though, isn’t […]
Waiting for the fear to subside…
There are two problems with this strategy: A. By the time the fear subsides, it will be too late. By the time you’re not afraid of what you were planning to start/say/do, someone else will have already done it, it will already be said or it will be irrelevant. The reason you’re afraid is that […]
Adopt vs. adapt….
An early adopter seeks out new ideas and makes them work. An adapter, on the other hand, puts up with what he has to, begrudgingly. One is offense, the other is defense. One requires the spark of curiosity, the other is associated with fear, or at least hassle. Hint: it’s not so easy to sell […]
The overwhelming fear of being wrong…
She didn’t vote because she was afraid her candidate would lose. He complains that the blog is being published too often and doesn’t want to read some of the posts if he’s not going to be able to keep up with all of them. They don’t want to buy insurance for their business because the […]
Which of the four are getting in the way...
You don’t know what to do You don’t know how to do it You don’t have the authority or the resources to do it You’re afraid Once you figure out what’s getting in the way, it’s far easier to find the answer (or decide to work on a different problem). Stuck is a state of […]
No organization cares about you. Organizations aren’t capable of this. Your bank, certainly, doesn’t care. Neither does your HMO or even your car dealer. It’s amazing to me that people are surprised to discover this fact. People, on the other hand, are perfectly capable of caring. It’s part of being a human. It’s only when […]
Just imagine how much you’d get done….
…if you stopped actively sabotaging your own work. We must be talented, powerful and resilient creatures indeed given how much we manage to produce despite the constant undercutting, ridicule and needless censorship we aim at ourselves.
Brand exceptionalism…
Your brand is your favorite. After all, it’s yours. You understand it, you helped build it, you’re obsessed with the nuance behind it. Your organization’s actions make sense to you, you sat in the room as they were being argued about… you might even have helped make some of the decisions. So, your brand doesn’t […]
The $20,000 phone call…
When a homeowner decides to put his house on sale and calls a broker… When he calls the moving company… When a family arrives in town and calls someone recommended as the family doctor… When a wealthy couple calls their favorite fancy restaurant looking for a reservation… Go down the list. Stockbrokers, even hairdressers. And […]
The flip side..
It’s impossible to have a coin with only one side. You can’t have heads without tails. Innovation is like that. Initiative is like that. Art is like that. You can’t have success unless you’re prepared to have failure. As soon as you say, “failure is not an option,” you’ve just said, “innovation is not an […]
Turning the habit of self-criticism upsi...
Perhaps this sounds familiar: When it’s time to write a resume or talk to a boss or discuss a project glitch with colleagues, the instinct is to spin, to avoid a little responsibility, to sit quietly. Put a best face forward, don’t set yourself up. When reviewing just about anything you’ve done with yourself (in […]
Launch it like Google
About a year after they were founded, Google was first mentioned in the New York Times. As an aside in a non-news column. Today of course, it seems like everything they do is instantly news. It’s easy to forget that just about every major online service (eBay, Amazon, Paypal, Twitter, Facebook) launched in obscurity. Same […]
Who will say go?
Here’s a little-spoken truth learned via crowdsourcing: Most people don’t believe they are capable of initiative. Initiating a project, a blog, a wikipedia article, a family journey. Initiating something even when you’re not putatitively in charge. At the same time, almost all people believe they are capable of editing, giving feedback or merely criticizing. So […]
Does Competition Scare You?
The number one reason people give me for giving up on something great is, “someone else is already doing that.” Or, parsed another way, “my idea is not brand new.” Or even, “Oh no, now we’ll have competition.” Two big pieces of news for you: 1. Competition validates you. It creates a category. It permits […]
Do more or do better which one is for yo...
The easiest form of management is to encourage or demand that people do more. The other translation of this phrase is to go faster. The most important and difficult form of management (verging on leadership) is to encourage people to do better. Better is trickier than more because people have trouble visualizing themselves doing better. […]
what’s the hard part?
Every project (product, play, event, company, venture, non profit) has a million tasks that need to be done, thousands of decisions, predictions, bits of effort, conversations and plans. Got that. But what’s the hard part? The CEO spends ten minutes discussing the layout of the office with the office manager. Why? Was that a difficult […]
Maybe this year…
Maybe this year… Your knowledge will reach critical mass.. Your boss will give you the go ahead.. Your family situation will be stable.. The competition will stop innovating.. The traffic jam will cease.. There won’t be any computer viruses to deal with, and Then… You can act, you can launch your project, you can make […]
Cashing the check …
A check in your wallet does you very little good. It represents opportunity, sure, but not action. Most of us are carrying around a check, an opportunity to make an impact, to do the work we’re capable of, to ship the art that would make a difference. No, the world isn’t fair, and most people […]