There are two problems with this strategy: A. By the time the fear subsides, it will be too late. By the time you’re not afraid of what you were planning to start/say/do, someone else will have already done it, it will already be said or it will be irrelevant. The reason you’re afraid is that […]
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Month: July 2011
Adopt vs. adapt….
An early adopter seeks out new ideas and makes them work. An adapter, on the other hand, puts up with what he has to, begrudgingly. One is offense, the other is defense. One requires the spark of curiosity, the other is associated with fear, or at least hassle. Hint: it’s not so easy to sell […]
The overwhelming fear of being wrong…
She didn’t vote because she was afraid her candidate would lose. He complains that the blog is being published too often and doesn’t want to read some of the posts if he’s not going to be able to keep up with all of them. They don’t want to buy insurance for their business because the […]