You’d think that with all the iPad productivity apps, smartphone productivity apps, productivity blogs and techniques and discussions… that we’d be more productive as a result. Are you more productive? How much more? I wonder how much productivity comes from new techniques, and how much comes from merely getting sick of non-productivity and deciding to […]
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Month: December 2013
Is it a gift…??
Here are attributes many of us value in co-workers, bosses, employees, friends and vendors: Honest Punctual Curious Proactive Flexible Thoughtful Generous Fun Committed Respectful Organized Interested Creative Likable Positive you get the idea. These are things that turn someone from ordinary into a star. They are even attributes we now assign to our favorite brands, […]
The 3 Decisions That Made Mandela a Trul...
Only a handful of people in a century command the global authority that Nelson Mandela does. These three crucial judgments cemented his greatness. Nelson Mandela’s life story has long since become a legend, one that transcends borders, race, language, or culture. His leadership truly belongs to the world. It would be absurd–let alone disrespectful to […]
Is It Perfection or exploration…
In an organization built around perfection, you need to push people to say, “Bad news, I made a mistake.” Only by surfacing mistakes can the organization stamp them out. In an organization built around exploration, on the other hand, people need to say, “Good news, I made a mistake.” Only by seeking things that don’t […]