A friend advertised online for an Office Administrator. Three interesting resumes came to the top. She googled each person’s name. The first search turned up a Facebook page. There was a picture of the applicant, drinking beer from a funnel. Under hobbies, the first entry was, “binge drinking.” The second search turned up a […]
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Month: March 2016
Learning from the State Department…
Ambassadors do two things that are really difficult for most people within organizations: 1. They listen and send the notes up the chain. They’re at the front line, and they listen to what’s happening and figure out how to get the right people back home to hear what’s being said. 2. They apologize. Not for […]
The call of the Open Sea…
There are predictable evolution and revolutions as an organization grows. These are dictated by the increasing complexity that comes with adding employees,customers,product lines,the locations,etc. Handling a company’s growth successfully requires three things; a) An increasing number of capable leaders. b) A Scalable Infrastructure c) The ability to navigate certain market dynamics. If these factors are […]
“I”, “We” and “You”
One of the most profound ways to change your posture and the way you and your organization interact with customers and partners is to change your pronouns. Instead of saying “I” when you’re ready to take credit, try “we.” Instead of saying “we” when you’re avoiding responsibility, try “I.” And, every time you’re tempted to […]