You get what you focus on. Focus on nothing, and you won’t get much. The successful organization can be focused on any of these constituencies (a partial list): The sales force the stock market potential new customers existing customers employees or the regulators. Many companies are sales-force driven. When the salesforce is happy, the CEO […]
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Month: April 2016
The wishing/doing gap…
It would be great to be picked, to win the random lottery, to have a dream come true. But when we rely on a wish to get where we want to go, we often sacrifice the effort that might make it more likely that we get what we actually need. Waiting for the prince to […]
Urgency and accountability are two sides...
As organizations and individuals succeed, it gets more difficult to innovate. There are issues of coordination, sure, but mostly it’s about fear. The fear of failing is greater, because it seems as though you’ve got more to lose. So urgency disappears first. Why ship it today if you can ship it next week instead? […]