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5 Secrets To Getting The Raise You Deserve


What would make your job better? More money? More vacation days? If you truly feel you deserve a raise or a bonus, why not just ask for one?

Yes, asking for a raise is a scary proposition. Its intimidating to ask your boss for a raise, but if you deserve it and you add value to the company, then theres no harm in asking for one.

Here are a few secrets to getting the raise you deserve:

Research Salaries There are several websites like, or from your own country/region that provide salary information. Take a look at the salaries of similar job titles in your geographic area. This will help you determine how much you are worth.

Document Your Case Keep a record of your hours, accomplishments, and successes also a good idea for keeping your resume up-to-date! Note quantifiable data that proves why you rock. This is the proof youll need to show that you add value to the company. Bear in mind that you actually have to have done something at the company you wont get a raise after only a few weeks.

Time Your Request Appropriately Take stock of your companys financial health. Is your company doing well? Is the stock price going up? Did they just seal a big deal? When the company is thriving, this is the best time to ask for a raise. Youll also want to take note of your bosss routine and schedule. Make sure she isnt super busy when you pop the question.

Schedule A Meeting If the timing is right, schedule a meeting with your boss. Make the meeting official. You dont want to ask for a raise quickly in the elevator. This is the time when you will make your case for the raise. Be confident, stay positive, and sell yourself.

Make A Realistic Request If youre making $20 per hour, dont ask to make $50 an hour. Its unrealistic. When you request a raise, make it a reasonable number. Be specific and back it up with facts and research. Youll need to be able to justify the amount. Keep it professional and state facts, not opinions or emotions. Be willing to negotiate.

Getting a raise may not result in instant gratification. Your boss may hear your request and want to consider it overnight or for a week. Leave your boss to contemplate your raise proposal.

Ideally, youll get the raise that you requested. Often times your boss may offer a 7% raise when you asked for 10%. If this is reasonable, take it and be grateful that you are getting the raise you deserve. Whatever happens, keep up the hard work after you get the raise!

If you dont get any raise, maybe its time to reconsider your career path or even start looking for a new job.

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