Are you content with how much money you make? Do you wish you could make more? Of course you do.

While you may live a happy life, the chances are pretty good that you will never be a millionaire. You could if you wanted to, but if youre like most people there are a few things holding you back from making the big bucks.

There are many reasons why you will never be a millionaire. Lets take a look:

You Cant Find The Right Job Career choice is an important component of success. If you find the job search challenging-use genuine professional recruitment agencies, learn about careers, and get advice. Try to find a high paying job

Youve Stopped Learning Life is a life long learning process. The world changes and you have to keep up. Always focus on learning more as it will help you to become a smarter, wiser, and a more well-rounded person.

You Dont Live Within Your Means If you want to be rich, you have to spend less than you make. Poor money management will make you fail to reach your goals. Create a budget. Save money. Acquire assets.Invest on cash flowing assets. Eliminate debt. Create wealth. Learn to manage your money.

Youre Not Following Your Dreams Why arent you following your dreams? You have to aspire to be something. If you choose something you love to do, then it wont feel like work. Youll be able to excel and succeed in ways you never imagined. Its up to you to determine where your dreams will take you.

You Dont Seek Advice Open your eyes to the resources that are available to you. People, blogs, and books tell you how to make money, build wealth, and become a millionaire. Absorb that information and apply it. Most of its free!

Youre Not A Risk Taker Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. Youll find that things arent as scary as you thought they were once you try them.

You Lack Drive And Ambition You have to want to achieve something if youre ever going to be successful. Figure out what drives you and see where it takes you.

You Dont Network Life is all about who you know. Network with the right people and everything else will fall into place. Maybe youll land the right job, meet the right person, or get the right advice. We cant say it enough spend more time networking.

Youre Negative If you always see the negative side of things, youre setting yourself up for failure. Try to see the bright side of everything. It will help you strive for greatness.

These inspirational quotes for job seekers should help you get started with that.

All of these things are within your control. You have to make a personal choice that you want to be a millionaire or even set an easier financial goal for yourself. Then follow through with that decision and achieve your goals.

Its your life to do what you want and its up to you to decide what that is. If you want to be rich or you want to be a millionaire, you can do it.