MOMBASA,NAIROBI and Naivasha February 2025 Training Programs for You Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 24th February 2025 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World. Expand Your Context and Content Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2025 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online. Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. All Here
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Author: Angela Muli
16 Easy Ways To Be More Confident At Wor...
How would you define confidence? Business Insider defines confidence as a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard. Does this sound like you? Confidence is a very important personality trait. It can help you communicate, get ahead at work, find your dream job, and just plain enjoy life. Do want to be more confident at […]
Mombasa,Nairobi and Naivasha December 20...
MOMBASA,NAIROBI and Naivasha December 2024 Training Programs for You Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 9th December 2024 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World. Expand Your Context and Content Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2024 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online. Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. All Here
Its pretty easy for some kids to switch gears. They can go from sad to ebullient in seconds, and switch contexts without much fuss. Others have more trouble. As we get older, our natural ability to thrive in a new situation can decrease. But, like a muscle or a skill, it responds to practice. The […]
Mombasa,Nairobi and Naivasha November 20...
MOMBASA,NAIROBI and Naivasha November 2024 Training Programs for You Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 25th November 2024 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World. Expand Your Context and Content – Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2024 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online. Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. All Here
October 2024 Mombasa,Nairobi and Naivash...
MOMBASA and NAIROBI October 2024 Training Programs for You… Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 28th October 2024 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World….Expand Your Context and Content…Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2024 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online…Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. All Here…
Your Mombasa and Nairobi Kenya upcoming ...
MOMBASA and NAIROBI August 2024 Training Programs for You… Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 26th August 2024 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World….Expand Your Context and Content…Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2024 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online…Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. All Here…
16 Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs
As a HR professional, its your job to hire the right people for the job. No matter what you do, there is always a fair bit of employee turnover. Do you ever scratch your head and wonder why people quit their jobs? People quit their jobs for a wide variety of reasons. While every situation […]
12 Ways To Break Down Communication Barr...
When everyone is on the same page, its so much easier for everyone to do their job. So why is effective communication such a challenge? No matter what company you work for, there is always room for improvement when it comes to communication. When you take an active role in trying to break down communication […]
Dont mistake movement for achievement..
Here are some wisdom from Jim Rohn; Learn how to separate the majors and the minors.A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things. Dont mistake movement for achievement.Its easy to get faked out by being busy.The question is;busy doing what Days are expensive.When you spend a day; you […]
The whiners room
When my friend Elly taught in a middle school, he never hung out in the teacher’s room. He told me he couldn’t bear the badmouthing of students, the whining and the blaming. Of course, not all teachers are like this. In fact, most of them aren’t. And of course, trolling isn’t reserved to the teacher’s […]
Are you arguing for inaction..?
is surprisingly easy. Weve done all this work and things havent gotten better, so, apparently, we should stop trying and go back to what we were doing. Weve done all this work and things are getting better, so that means that theres no need to keep trying and we can go back to what we […]
Logistics vs (and) innovation…
When innovation arrives, the logistics people have to scramble to keep up, because innovation always makes it hard to do things the way we used to. Over time, an innovative company thrives if it can get its logistics in order. Ship the right stuff to the right people on time and on budget. Once this […]
Snake handling…
This is a very different task than snake charming. The first is far more common, but it requires heavy equipment and is often dangerous On the other hand, if you have empathy and patience, its possible to learn to charm the snakes instead
Three types of kindness
There is the kindness of please and thank you. And the kindness of I was wrong, I’m sorry. The small kindnesses that smooth our interactions and help other people feel as though you’re aware of them. These don’t cost us much, in fact, in most settings, engaging with kindness is an essential part of connection, […]
Winning on the uphills
Interesting business lesson learned on a bicycle: it’s very difficult to improve your performance on the downhills. I used to dread the uphill parts of my ride. On a recumbent bike, they’re particularly difficult. So I’d slog through, barely surviving, looking forward to the superspeedy downhill parts. Unfortunately, I had a serious accident a few […]
The only way to get initiative is to take it. Its never given. And some people hesitate to take it, perhaps because theyre worried that well somehow run out. Were not going to run out. Its a self-renewing resource. From an early age, most of us were taught to avoid it. Do your homework. Take […]
29 Motivational Quotes for Business and ...
Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board. […]
The Importance of Advanced Excel Skills ...
The Importance of Advanced Excel Skills for Working Professionals Are you proficient in Microsoft Excel? If so, how proficient are you really? In todays job market, this term is commonly tossed around by administrative professionals in order to highlight their technical skills within Excel, but far too often, candidates are realizing that they arent as […]
Innovation is guts plus generosity
Guts, because it might not work. And generosity, because guts without seeking to make things better is merely hustle. The innovator shows up with something she knows might not work (pause for a second, and contrast that with everyone else, who has been trained to show up with a proven, verified, approved, deniable answer that […]
The solo marathon…
The usual marathons, the popular ones, are done in a group. They have a start time. A finish line. A way to qualify. A route. A crowd. And a date announced a year in advance. Mostly, they have excitement, energy and peer pressure. The other kind of marathon is one that anyone can run, any […]
You cant outtrain a bad diet
Its way easier to eat lousy food than it is to exercise it off. Your effort is undermined by your inputs. And the same thing is true for corporate culture. You can work as hard as you like to create expectations and policies. But the people you begin with their dreams, their narratives and their […]
The moment of maximum leverage…
It’s the moment before it tips, that split second where a little effort can make a big difference. We wait for this. For the day when participating will truly pay off, for the mechanical advantage that gives us the most impact for our effort. It’s a myth. Maximum leverage is the result of commitment, of […]
Price and satisfaction
You dont need to read many reviews to realize that the correlation between price and satisfaction isnt what you might have guessed. Its super rare for someone to write, 5 stars. The product wasnt perfect, it wasnt exactly what I needed, but it was really cheap, so, good job! In fact, things that are free […]
Are you hiding from the mission ?
We do this in two ways: The first is refusing to be clear and precise about what the mission is. Avoiding specifics about what we hope to accomplish and for whom. Being vague about success and (thus about failure). After all, if no one knows exactly what the mission is, it’s hard feel like a […]
What will you do with your surplus?
If you have a safe place to sleep, reasonable health and food in the fridge, you’re probably living with surplus. You have enough breathing room to devote an hour to watching TV, or having an argument you don’t need to have, or simply messing around online. You have time and leverage and technology and trust. […]
The taxi or the cruise ship..?
The successful cab owner knows this: Every ride is custom People choose a cab precisely because they can ride alone, on their own terms Empty trips are part of the job, and it’s okay, because the next ride will pay for it. On the other hand, the person who chooses to run a cruise line […]
Defending myself (vs. offending my self)
The reason it’s difficult to learn something new is that it will change you into someone who disagrees with the person you used to be. And we’re not organized for that. The filter bubble and our lack of curiosity about the unknown are forms of self defense. We’re defending the self, keeping everything “ok” because […]
More and less…
More creating Less consuming More leading Less following More contributing Less taking More patience Less intolerance More connecting Less isolating More writing Less watching More optimism Less false realism
Marketing in four steps..
The first step is to invent a thing worth making, a story worth telling, a contribution worth talking about. The second step is to design and build it in a way that people will actually benefit from and care about. The third one is the one everyone gets all excited about. This is the step […]
The saying/doing gap…
At first, it seems as though the things you declare, espouse and promise matter a lot. And they do. For a while. But in the end, we will judge you on what you do. When the gap between what you say and what you do gets big enough, people stop listening. The compromises we make, […]
The wishing/doing gap…
It would be great to be picked, to win the random lottery, to have a dream come true. But when we rely on a wish to get where we want to go, we often sacrifice the effort that might make it more likely that we get what we actually need. Waiting for the prince to […]
“I”, “We” and “You”
One of the most profound ways to change your posture and the way you and your organization interact with customers and partners is to change your pronouns. Instead of saying “I” when you’re ready to take credit, try “we.” Instead of saying “we” when you’re avoiding responsibility, try “I.” And, every time you’re tempted to […]
Promotion, demotion and opportunity….
You can learn a new skill, today, for free. You can take on a new task at work, right now, without asking anyone. You can make a connection, find a flaw, contribute an insight, now. Or not. In a fluid system, when people are moving forward, others are falling behind. The question, then, isn’t, […]
Firemen, donuts and meetings…
When a building is burning down, fireman coordinate their actions, make decisions and save lives. They do this without Executive desk chairs or Steers Donuts. They do it without subcommittees, McKinsey/PWC/Dolphins Group studies or input from the boss in another city. To quote Al Pittampalli, “why bother going to a meeting if you’re not […]
Your voice will give you away….
It’s extremely difficult to read a speech and sound as if you mean it. For most of us, when reading, posture changes, the throat tightens and people can tell. Reading is different from speaking, and a different sort of attention is paid. Before you give a speech, then, you must do one of […]