
Everyone aspires to climb the career ladder. To do that, you need to get promoted at work. Seeking out promotions is the logical path for any professional like yourself. Its no easy to task to land a promotion and sometimes we dont always get what we want. If you didnt get promoted, you need to make a few changes to increase your chances to be promoted the next time an opportunity presents itself.

Companies only want to promote the people who they think will drive their company to long term success. Upper management will carefully assess every potential candidate to ensure that they promote the right person for the job. Countless variables come into play and its up to you to show them that youre the one who should be promoted.

You have to earn a promotion. If you didnt get promoted, it might be because you:

Underperform At Work
Dont Possess Leadership Skills – Self Leadership and People Leadership
Consistently Get Poor Reviews
Need To Improve Your Soft Skills
Need Further Training Or Professional Development
Only Focus On Yourself, Not The Team
Dont Adapt To Feedback
Lack Initiative
Disagree With Your Boss
Are Not Passionate About The Company Or The Job
Have Personality Issues
Dont Learn From Your Mistakes
Have No Career Goals
Dont Track Your Accomplishments
Dont Think Like A Boss
Act Entitled
Lack Experience
Are New To The Company
Fail To Deliver On Your Promises
Have A Bad Attitude
Need To Improve Your Work Ethic
Are Not Friends With Your Boss

As you can see, its easy to sabotage yourself. Luckily, if any of the things in the list above apply to you, they are easy to change. The next time a promotion is up for grabs, go out of your way to let your boss know that youre the right person for the job. Jump through all the hoops and stay positive. If you get the promotion, congratulations. If you dont get the promotion, ask for feedback and try to make the necessary changes to put yourself in a better position the next go around.